smartBoiler - fit for the energy transition

In cooperation with Austria Email, commercially available hot water storage tanks are made "smart" through the use of IoT technology and securely connected to a virtual power plant via the A1 Telekom Austria mobile network. If there is too much electricity available on the grid in the form of balancing energy or if energy prices are low, the built-in GSM controller receives a signal and automatically heats up the boiler. The continuous further development of the technology also makes it possible for apartment buildings to efficiently use the photovoltaic electricity they generate themselves to heat water on site.

Austria Email Eco Grid Boiler

The advantages

Residential property developer

Innovative image and competitive edge

No distribution losses, legionella protection

No additional cabling work, simple maintenance

Reduction in operating costs for tenants / owners

Tenant / Owner

Significantly reduce energy costs

More hot water through additional recharging

Simply make an active contribution to the energy transition

All of us

Store electricity in the form of thermal energy

Avoid blackouts by increasing the stability of the power grid

Favour the use of renewable energy sources

Alternative to expensive grid expansion

"With the smart boilers made in Austria, we rely on the most environmentally friendly storage medium of all: water"

Your contact for
Energy innovations
Roland Schwaiger

Austria Email Eco Grid Storage

The IoT control system exploits the following favourable conditions and heats up the storage tank
to save costs.

  • Surplus electricity from the grid
  • Surplus power from local PV system
  • Favourable electricity tariffs

More information for

housing associations

Here you can browse, download, print or forward our product sheet online.