The needs of the fixed network market are very demanding. The operation of cloud-enabled systems is complex and requires a high level of technical expertise. Many of the established solutions can only map some of the functions that are required on the market. Additional functionalities are not available or can only be added with an enormous amount of resources. Ready-made systems from large providers allow little flexibility, create only minimal customer loyalty and do not represent a unique selling point for the operator. We understand the challenges and have the answer with HCS.
Modular, complete and in line with the market
Our system has been developed over a long period of time based on real customer requirements, has been continuously improved and offers a very comprehensive portfolio of solutions. New functions can be added modularly at any time via a centralised front end. All HCS elements are integrated "ready-to-use" into the interface, can be easily subscribed to and tested before purchase - even for individual users and therefore very cost-effectively.
Telephony and Unified Communications